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The Pattada Knife: A Handcrafted Work of Art from Sardinia

One of the representative products of Sardinian craftsmanship: the Pattada knife
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Pattada knife with mouflon handle

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Pattada knife

Il Coltello Pattada: Un'Opera D'Arte Artigianale Dalla Sardegna
Pattada knife with mouflon horn handle

La Sardegna, l’isola affascinante e ricca di cultura nel cuore del Mediterraneo, è famosa certamente per le sue spiagge, la sua macchia mediterranea, ma anche per il suo artigianato tradizionale. Tra le creazioni più ammirate e uniche vi è il “Coltello Pattada”, un capolavoro di maestria artigianale che affonda le sue radici nella storia e nella tradizione sarda.

In this article, we explore the history of this fascinating knife, its distinctive features and the role it has played in local culture.

Pattada knife: origins

The Pattada knife, also called the 'pattadese knife"It takes its name from the town of Pattada, located in the mountainous region of Logudoro in northern Sardinia. Its origins are lost in the mists of time, but its manufacture is believed to have started around 1800.

This knife was initially used as agricultural tool and by shepherds for their work daily. Over time, thanks to the quality and beauty of its craft blades, the Pattada knife has become a symbol of prestige and a representation of the skill of Sardinian craftsmen.

Pattada knife: characteristics

Il Coltello Pattada: Un'Opera D'Arte Artigianale Dalla Sardegna
Pattada knife with mouflon handle
Hand-forged blade

Hand-forged bladeThe distinctive feature of the Pattada knife is its folded blade, called the 'anvil', which is hand-forged by master craftsmen with remarkable skill and precision. This blade is made of high quality stainless steel, which guarantees durability and strength over time. The art of its design includes an elegant curvature and a sharp point, making it a versatile tool suitable for multiple uses.


Another distinctive feature of this knife is its handle. The craftsmen choose precious and valuable woods, such as stag horn or olive wood, to create ergonomic and fascinating handles. These natural materials add a touch of elegance and authenticity to the Pattada Knife.

Pattada Master Knife Craftsmen

Il Coltello Pattada: Un'Opera D'Arte Artigianale Dalla Sardegna
Pattada knife with horn handle

The creation of the Pattada knife requires detailed knowledge and a great deal of experience. The role of the master craftsman, known as 'mastriettu' or 'mastri', is of paramount importance. These skilled craftsmen have passed on their knowledge and skills from generation to generation, thus preserving this centuries-old tradition.

Each Coltello Pattada è un’opera d’arte unique and unrepeatable, as each master craftsman adds his own personal touch and creates models that reflect his craftsmanship and creativity. This craft tradition is an integral part of Sardinian culture and bears witness to the passion and dedication of local artisans.

The Pattada knife in Sardinian culture

Besides being a handcrafted marvel, the Pattada knife is a symbol of cultural identity for the Sardinian people. It is often given as a gift on special occasions, such as weddings or birthdays, and represents a sign of esteem and respect towards the recipient. This knife is also the protagonist of craft fairs and exhibitions, where craftsmen display their creations and tell the story of this extraordinary artefact.

Can you give a knife as a present?

Tradition dictates that one should never give a knife as a gift. In fact, it is customary for the recipient of the knife to 'pay' the giver with a coin.

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